Partnering with Compass Precision
Any successful owner of a precision machine shop asks at some point, “How can I take my business to the next level without sacrificing my quality of life or taking a bigger financial risk?” The Compass response to this proverbial question is for these owners to consider joining us.
Advantages of Partnering with Compass
- A transparent and efficient acquisition process usually closing within 60 days after signing a letter of intent.
- An upfront cash payment for your business allowing you to diversify your personal net worth and pursue other life goals.
- Our decentralized organizational structure provides considerable local autotomy — you are still running your business if you choose to.
- Your business will continue to operate in your community. Your employees and managers will remain in place.
- Our in-depth industry background means you are dealing with people like yourself who understand making precision components.
- Our sales and marketing infrastructure identifies and cultivates additional new business opportunities.
- Our other operating companies “cross sell” your unique capabilities while providing “cross sourcing” opportunities to better load balance each location’s capacities.
- Possibly most importantly, our supportive environment allows you to focus on quoting and pursuing orders, making precision parts, and completing shipments on or ahead of schedule while we handle many of the annoying tasks of running a successful business.

Culture of Collaboration and Shared Vision
Our unique operating model and culture of collaboration has enabled us to acquire outstanding operating companies and partner with and retain outstanding management teams.
- Shared outlook, vision, and approach to partnership and growth.
- Strong, long-lasting relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees.
- Culture of quality and continous improvement.
- Committed, cohesive unit with a long tenure of working together.
Our expertise and dedication to excellence, talent, and the latest technology keeps your business up to date, allowing you to serve your customers with the best capabilities available.
- Understanding that a great business starts with great people.
- Investing in employee’s future.
- Shared vision of aggressive capital expenditures (new equipment, new capabilities, and new systems).

Support Provided To Our Operating Companies
Compass Precision brings unique value to each company with which it partners. Here is a look at the services we offer to create this value while making each operating company’s managment lives easier:

Buy-and-Build Mentality
From the moment Compass acquires a precision machining firm, we swing into action to assist our new operating company by:
- Identifying and filling any management vacancies.
- Recruiting talented machinists and programmers to support growth.
- Developing CAPEX investment plans to support growth.
- Initiating efforts to cultivate business opportunities with new customers and rekindle relationships with old ones.
- Supporting the development of “best-in-class” websites.
- Augmenting digital and conventional marketing initivatives
- Offloading administrative tasks wherever possible, allowing local management to focus on “bread and butter” activities that truly add value:
- Quoting and pursuing orders
- Making great parts
- Shipping those great parts on or ahead of schedule

What We Look For
Here are some attributes we seek in firms that we acquire. Obviously, not every outstanding candidate meets every criteria.
- Type: Niche business with value-added capabilities in precision machining (metals and/or engineered polymers) or possibly fabrication. Seeking firms with clearly differentiated precision machining capabilities (and manufacturing high precision components).
- Geography: Continental US, with particular interest in the Southeast (NC, SC, GA, FL), Southwest (AZ, TX), New England (CT, MA, NH), Upper Midwest (MN, WI) and West Coast (CA, OR, WA).
- End Markets Served: Aerospace & Defense, Space, Medical, Telecommunications, Industrial Automation, Robotics and other growing niche markets requiring precision machined components.
- Production Volume/Mix Orientation: Strong preference for shops specializing in high mix and low-to-mid volume production including prototypes. Particularly attracted to businesses competing on basis of short lead-times, high quality, ability to work with difficult materials, and capabilities for creating complicated, precision part geometries.
- Size & Profitability: Companies with consistently strong profitability and annual revenues between $3 and $10 million.

Next Step
Please contact us through our CEO, Gary Holcomb, in confidence by either phone (704-210-8600) or email ([email protected]) if you wish to pursue discussions or if you know anyone who does.