Versatile Tri-Tec Employee Earns Recognition There are plenty of examples of employees who have made drastic career changes to join one of the Compass Precision operating companies over the years. But Josh McQueen may be the most unique example. After working for more...
R&D Debur Department Manager Earns High Honor Bill Fender’s career changed forever one fateful morning. After taking a year off from work, Bill saw a job advertisement at R&D Machine while reading his daily newspaper. Bill called the company almost immediately...
2022 Second Half EOM Honorees Then and Now Compass Precision keeps a very high standard for all of its employees. Then, when an employee matches or exceeds that standard, they are rewarded. One of the most public ways Compass Precision rewards its employees is with...
New Office Manager Receives High Honor Bergeron Machine has been experiencing a transition in their office manager roles over the last year. But thanks to Joey Sum, the position is stabilizing at the Compass Precision operating company. For his efforts, Compass has...
First-Year Quality Employee Earns High Recognition Bruce Jones doesn’t even remember applying for a job at Quality Products & Machine. In fact, just before the opportunity to work at the Compass Precision operating company arose over the summer, Bruce had already...
Douglas Machinist Receives High Honor Shane Aukrust first identified Winona, MN as a place where he would like to live. In search of a machining job in the area, it then didn’t take long for him to find Douglas Machining Services. Shane found the Compass Precision...