Bergeron Announces Major Promotion

WESTFORD, MA – September 17, 2024 – During team meetings at Bergeron Machine in 2023, President Dave Giampa told his employees that the company would eventually need a production manager. That gave then Shop Lead Bory Vuth a goal.

“I kept working towards that position,” said Bory. “I tried to learn the business, try to learn what each customer’s needs are.”

Bory has now reached that goal. Bergeron Machine officially announced on Tuesday it has promoted Bory to production manager. 

“I didn’t expect it to be this soon, but it’s great,” Bory said. “I’m really grateful.”

“Bory totally earned this promotion,” explained Dave. “He stepped up and Bergeron is better off for it.”

“We love promoting from within,” added Compass VP & COO Bill Canning. “Bory is hungry to learn and get better. He sets a great example for the rest of us.”

This is Bory’s third promotion in the past 14 months. Shortly after Compass Precision acquired Bergeron in April 2023, Bory became the company’s shop lead. While serving in that position, Bory earned the Compass Precision employee of the month honor in August 2023. 

He was the first employee at Bergeron to receive the award.

Bory then earned a promotion to production supervisor in January 2024. He served in that position for about eight months before his most recent promotion.

As production manager, Bory will take on a greater responsibility for everything Bergeron produces in its shop.

“Basically from start to the end, I follow almost every job and talk to the people who are involved with every job,” he said.

As shop lead in 2023, Bory trained the company’s numerous new machinists. Now a year into most of their tenures, he described those machinists as “more independent.”

So, Bory said they are now ready for the next challenges.

“We’re on the next step of teaching them machine shop etiquette. We’re slowly progressing,” said Bory. “It’s mostly just planning, planning and planning. We have to have a backup for backup for backup for backup, basically, for everything that’s going on. 

“If a machine’s down, we have to have a backup, so we don’t panic. If something’s down, then we have a backup plan to get parts out for customers.”

In addition to shop etiquette, Bory said transitioning the company’s machinists to Job Boss is another crucial next step. That will allow Bergeron to better keep track of its job production and stock.

“That’s what I’m really looking forward to – learning Job Boss and checking everybody’s production, scrap, keeping an eye on numbers,” said Bory. “It’s time to start to crunch some numbers to see where we are losing money, where we can save money, all that.”

“It’s going to be a headache, but I’m excited.”

With Bory as production manager, Bergeron has begun having a weekend shift to continue meeting customer needs. The company plans to have four employees work on Saturdays and Sundays by the end of the year.

Bory is also excited about the company’s new uniforms. With assistance from Joey Sum and Danny Du, he has ordered 11 pairs of pants and shirts for each machinist. Bory said the uniforms will greatly raise company morale.

One Bergeron employee couldn’t afford the weekly expense of the uniform service. But he still received a uniform because Bory agreed to pay for it out of his own pocket.

Founded in 1948, Bergeron Machine is located in Westford, MA, which is about 30 miles northwest of Boston. The 14,700-square foot facility specializes in precision Swiss-style CNC machining.

Bergeron manufactures extremely tight tolerances and works with a variety of difficult-to-work-with materials such as Inconel, Monel and titanium.